GBS - Gratuitous Booty Shot
GBS stands for Gratuitous Booty Shot
Here you will find, what does GBS stand for in Media under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Gratuitous Booty Shot? Gratuitous Booty Shot can be abbreviated as GBS What does GBS stand for? GBS stands for Gratuitous Booty Shot. What does Gratuitous Booty Shot mean?Gratuitous Booty Shot is an expansion of GBS
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Alternative definitions of GBS
- Ground- Based Sensor
- Group B Streptococcus
- Great Big Sea
- Gravity Base Structure
- Glowing Black Stone
- Good Business Sense
- Global Broadcasting System
- Great Body Shop
View 114 other definitions of GBS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GBCGS GBC Global Services
- GBCH Gokulam - Bhaktivedanta Children's Home
- GBCHC Grand Bank Community Health Centre
- GBCHIV/AIDS Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS
- GBCHS Grand Blanc Community High School
- GBCHSSK Govt. Boys Comprehensive Higher Secondary School Karachi
- GBCI Glacier Bancorp, Inc.
- GBCIB GBC International Bank
- GBCIC German British Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- GBCIG Green Belt Common Initiative Group
- GBCIPL Genesis Business Consultancy India Pvt Ltd
- GBCL Ghana Bauxite Co. Ltd
- GBCM Globe Business College Munich
- GBCMHC Greater Bridgeport Community Mental Health Center
- GBCNPO Giving Back to the Community Non-Profit Organization
- GBCOA Grief Brothers Corporation Class A
- GBCOB Grief Brothers Corporation Class B
- GBCOBL The Greater Bombay Co Operative Bank Ltd
- GBCP Garvin Brown Construction Products
- GBCPAHS Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy High School